
Bold Colors


Bold colors are an integral part of Clegg’s work.  Contrasting colors are juxtaposed, making it easier to find shapes and notice the negative and positive spaces. 

Todays Forgotten  and Destiny are striking because of their primary colors.  Some pieces, like Rhinoceros  are outlined in black to define the shapes.  “White does not hold the shape well,” Clegg explains.  “By placing black around it, you empower the white to pop out.”


The shiny black pedestals on many of Clegg’s sculptures act like mirrors, reflecting surrounding colors.  This is no accident.  Clegg sometimes paints colorful shapes on the underside of his sculptures, knowing that the images will be reflected on their bases.  “I try to add a surprise,” he says.

Destiny By Stephen Clegg,   Todays Forgotten, Stephen Clegg, Rhinocerus by Stephen Clegg,

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